Adolf Hitler

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He is mentioned in Godwins Law as a strange attractor of Internet stuff although his connection with Chester is minimal. Local historian Mike Royden places him firmly in Liverpool for a peiod of six months prior to WW1.

Parody Videos

He makes an appearance in several video relating to the state of the walls of Chester and some other "heritaage" issues:

  • The Dee House video: a parody of the discussions over what should be done with Dee House in Chester. This is a listed building owned by the local authority which has allowed it to become delapidated (to the point possible collapse). Opinions differ between demolishing it to excavate more of the Amphitheatre site or finding some new use for it.
  • The City Walls video: a parody of attempts to gain funding for the upkeep of the City Walls. Funding from the walls comes out of the Highways budget in Chester, although they are a Scheduled Monument they do have a highway (footpath) running along them. Chester's MP raised an ill-advised question in parliament where she descibed the walls as "strong, stable and in no danger of immediate collapse"

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