
From Chesterwiki
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The following articles have been written or updated "recently":

  • A new category of Drone footage of Chester and places along the River Dee - look for the drone icon;
  • Tanning was an important industrial process in Chester: here is a brief look at its history;
  • Upton Hall of which nothing remains visible on the site, and some fictional tales about Cromwell in Chester;
  • Sir Thomas Browne lived on the cusp between an age of superstition and one of reason. He had his roots in Upton, and wrote one of his most famous works at an inn in Foregate Street.
  • The 1883 Reform Act arose in part out of a Chester saga involving electoral corruption and a lot of beer;
  • The Courts: In the late Middle Ages office the office of Justice of Chester was a powerful position, but it was also a decidedly deadly one:- possibly one of the most dangerous jobs of the time - few survived the office without being exiled, killed or simply dying in office. Peaceful retirement was seldom an option.
  • Roger Whitley who carried post from Charles II to George Booth and served as Whig MP for Chester, profited greatly after the Restoration when he was made Deputy Postmaster General. He later became Mayor of Chester;
  • The Booth Rising was a failed attempt to overthrow the new Lord Protector (Richard Cromwell). It involved the "capture" of Chester and a siege of Chester Castle. Booth's army was defeated and he was the subject of much ridicule for being arrested while disguised as a woman.
  • Perhaps the final end of Charles Moston and the Chester Canal mystery... or is there more to be discovered? Also the real truth about the "Black Dog Of Waverton";